This application is designed to help you monitor your airspace while flying your drone. It's an experimental service which is part of the Dronedesk application and as such, by using this service, you agree to our terms of service.
We've provided a number of configuration parameters (click the gear iconat the bottom of this bar) along with some sensible defaults to get you started. Please read the FAQ and trouble-shooting info before you start.
When an aircraft is seen within your defined search radius, this application will try and figure out its future path. If that path is within your warning or danger radius, it will draw out the straight line path (given the relatively short distances involved, we ignore the complexity of drawing arcs) to give you an indication of the likely future location. We also give you the speed, distance and therefore the likely time the aircraft will be in your sphere of concern.
This application uses ADS-B and MLAT data provided by the brilliant team at
Click the gear iconat the bottom of this bar. Settings are saved to your browser and will be retained across sessions on a per-device basis.
If you give the page permission to access your location, then it will center on that automatically. You can also set a location by entering a decimal Latitude and Longitude in the settings tab or, just pan & zoom to the location and double-click on the map.
You can either click the alarm icon in the to-right panel to temporarily mute (or unmute) the alarm sounds - this setting will be reset when you refresh the page - or, you can check (or uncheck) the option in the settings tab.
Click on an aircraft on the map and this panel will open with live data for that aircraft.
Because it falls within the "Warning at" radius you've set, or it will likely enter that radius at some point.
Because it falls within the "Alert at" radius you've set, or it will likely enter that radius at some point.
Because each 1-second refresh of the aircraft position data requires a network call - in 30 minutes, that's 1,800 calls - and that gets expensive over time; we added the refresh interval to prevent indefinite refreshes if, for example, you leave the tab active and head off to bed!
If you're sure you have the alerts option ticked in Settings (the top-right bell icon will be green: ), in your browser, click on site settings for this site and, under Privacy & Security, set the "Sound" option to "Allow".
Check your settings and make sure they're set to something sensible, e.g. if you can hear an aircraft high in the sky but it's not showing on the map, it's likely because you have the "Ceiling" value set below the altitude of that aircraft.
Type | n/a |
Operator | n/a |
Position | n/a |
Distance | n/a |
Rel. Position | n/a |
Rel. Cardinal | n/a |
Passing in | n/a |
Passing within | n/a |
Baro. Altitude | n/a |
Corrected Baro. Alt. | n/a |
WGS84 Altitude | n/a |
Groundspeed | n/a |
Track | n/a |
Last position | n/a |
Data polling was auto-paused after minutes.
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